Tutorial Targets mainly consisted of using media theories and more examples to be applied to research carried out
Equillibrium Theory by Todorov
This can be related to Tyler the Creator as he started of as an alternative hip hop artist, and then he broke through to the mainstream ideology of hip hop when his name began to grow however he is now establishing himself as an alternative hip hop artist.
Two step flow model
Tyler the creator is an opinion leader with different views of the genre and music. This can be supported by interviews like those on the Larry King show, in which he describes his diverse nature. He is a successful opinion leader as he is capable of selling out shows and he has pop up shops throughout parts of Europe.
Anti Feminism
Antifeminism is an ideology that is broadly defined as an opposition to feminism or some aspect of feminism. The meaning of antifeminism has varied across time and cultures and it has attracted both men and women. Antifeminism may include beliefs such as general hostility towards women's rights, the belief that feminist theories of patriarchyand disadvantages suffered by women in society are incorrect or exaggerated, or that feminism as a movement encourages misandry and seeks to harm or oppress men.
Tyler has been accused of being an anti feminist due to some of his lyrics in songs that oppose women, however in interviews he has stated that it was nothing of a serious nature.
Narrative Theory
Tyler, in all videos has a different concept and does not just make a video for the sake of it. there is always a story with some acting besides the music. His albums which are named as Bastard, Goblin and Wolf all have a narrator who is called The Therapist. So even his albums are known as being one big story.
Mulvey - Male Gaze
Generically in hip hop music videos there is a male gaze as women are mostly portrayed as sexual objects however this is not the case with Tyler as his videos are alternative. However after mainstream success he has altered this slightly and there are women who are apparent in his videos. However they are not portrayed in the way how other rappers would want to portray females,
Vladmirr Propp - Characters
Tyler the Creator is often accused as being the villain in hip hop culture due to his adverse feelings about the genre and the way he chooses to make music and connect with his fans in a different manner compared to everyone else.
Tyler, the Creator makes Hip-Hop/Rap music. He often mimics the generic themes of
rap in his own music like mocking other rappers that talk about typical things like
money, women and power. Generally in Hip-Hop music artists like to glorify things
they find amusing however Tyler, the Creator mainly speaks about family problems
and how he feels towards his friends which is an alternative approach of lyricism. I
think that the general hip hop audience would not have initially regarded Tyler as a
proper rap artist thus he is also regarded as a maker of alternative hip hop.
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