Monday 9 March 2015

CI Feedback


Www- A lot more examples of genre and its audience
ebi- More about institutions and ideology
what i will do - find more institutional information and apple it to the essay
www- you made several references to several examples of wider context
ebi- More political examples
what i will do - will research into the politcal examples that can be applied to hip hop music
www- Good detailed analysis
ebi- Include media effects
What i will do - research different media effects and see how they can be used in my essay
www- very detailed knowledge on subject area
ebi- grammer can be improved in places
What I will do -  re-read my all my work and proof check it more effectively

www- found one theory
ebi- try to include more
What I will do – use more theory and ensure that more than one is implemented.

Talk about the successful nature of text : Alternative hip hop products such as... had... name supme achievments or failures 

Esablish and Summarise - Tyler and OF have changed the representation of hip hop mainly for

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